Category Archives: Hello! Project

Your one-stop news source

Den of Hydralisks is committed to bringing you the most shocking and exciting news of the day. Such as a report published in Pravda that “Dead people grow no huge claws and no long hair as they lie still in their graves.

Den of Hydralisks brings you the news you want to hear. What is the largest island in a lake on an island in a lake on an island in the world? Den of Hydralisks has the answer.

But Den of Hydralisks goes the second mile, sending our reporters off to faraway websites to lift images acquired and scanned by others for your viewing pleasure.


And Den of Hydralisks goes a step beyond to bring you all the relevant information you might need in order to plan a vacation with your family to that island lake island lake island.

(Must-see attractions: water
Items you should bring along: a towel
Useful phrases for communicating with the locals: stand at the highest point and shout at the top of your lungs anything you please)

Den of Hydralisks delivers the scoops no one else will. Den of Hydralisks was the first and only to report that Blizzard has confirmed Archons will be returning in Starcraft 2.

We bring you the news *before* it breaks. Such as an unconfirmed rumor that Maki Goto‘s new album scheduled for release in September will be titled How to use SEXY (Den of Hydralisks is not making this unconfirmed rumor up). And Den of Hydralisks answers all your relevant questions about it. “Am I the only one who thinks Maki Goto looks like a horse?” Answer: no

goto maki

Den of Hydralisks cuts through the spin to get at the heart of issues. Is global warming really happening? Den of Hydralisks has no idea, but here’s Al Gore’s email address:

But most importantly, Den of Hydralisks brings you the news you need to know.

The stories that make a difference.

The stories that impact our lives.

The stories that touch our lives.

In-depth analysis of the most meaningful, historically significant events of our day.

Idol cuteness of the day

Aichan joins Sayumi in wishing us an “Usachan Piisu!” (rabbit ears peace!)

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News in the Japanese idol scene

With the resignation of leader Miki Fujimoto following last week’s scandal (a scandal by idol standards, anyway)…

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I know you could care less but

::Groan:: There’s been another scandal among my favorite idol group, Hello! Project. This time it’s a member I kind of liked (but thankfully not my #1 favorite). I’m in shock; won’t be able to write about anything else today. Ups and downs come with getting emotionally attached to them idols. These are the downs. Well, not all the way down since it’s happy news for her at least. But a shock to the rest of us.

This news breaks at the same time that respected leader Yoshizawa Hitomi graduates after six years of being a Morning Musume. An honorable release for her. When I’m feeling more level-headed I’ll be able to remember that one of things that makes these J-idols so interesting is to watch them over the years and see which ones remain true to the image of a good idol throughout (idols aren’t supposed to smoke underage, date, have boyfriends, etc) and which ones just can’t follow the rules.

Update: American Wota’s post on the Tsuji/Kago scandals is a rollicking good read πŸ˜€ (yeah, I’ve definitely gotten over it now. Adieu, Tsuji! May you have a happy family life)

Today’s Sayumi Pic

うさけゃんピース! (“rabbit ears peace!”)


Truth be told, Sayu is not really my favorite, not even among Momusu, but she is the most sugary πŸ™‚ My goal is to post as much Sayu as I can get away with such to induce saccharine overload in all those of you who might not be coming to the blog primarily for this purpose (roughly 100% of whatever readership I have), but not so much that you all drop dead of it right away.

On Tetris

I love studies that demonstrate I am getting some benefit when I play a video game. In fact I go out of my way to look for them, and whenever I come across another it’s all the justification I need to go play the most violent, antisocial, expensive, time-consuming games I can get my hands on.

In this case that game is Tetris.


Tetris needs no introduction, but here’s the story of its birth retold by one of its creators who, due to living in a country where private business was prohibited and intellectual property nonexistent, and due to the weaseliness of Western entrepreneurs, did not receive in payment so much as a cornflake for his work in developing the classic. Proving that when you get right down to it, looking at capitalism and communism there is no good reason, really, to think one is any better than the other. (I hope you didn’t believe that last sentence)

And here’s Sayumi again, the J-idol I dedicated my first post on this blog to.


This time I kinda sorta have an excuse to display her picture. Sayu, it turns out, has mad Tetris skillz. When I learned where her scores usually range I said to myself, “Honey, there ain’t no way I’m letting a girl that cute be better than you (me) at a video game.”

So I went back into training. I’m pressing one hundred S-blocks a day.

By the way, did you know that mathematicians have proven that “Tetris is tough”? In case you were wondering what in the world do we have mathematicians for, there you go.


And now we arrive at the informative part of this post–There are places online where you can play Tetris for free!

Don’t worry, you can rest assured that no matter how many hours you spend, no Russian dead or living will get a cent out of you. Look on the high score list for “hydralisk”. It is even conceivable that you might top my high score, which would be okay as long as you are not a girl as cute as Sayu.

First Post

As my first entry in this blog I would just like to say “Usachan Peeeaaace!!!”
